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Medical Causes of HypothyroidismHypothyroidism is caused by varied causes. It could stem from a singular cause or a mixture of various causes such as complications arising from thyroid gland diseases, afflicted brain activities, exposure to medical treatments, and autoimmune disorders. It is common knowledge that hypothyroidism can arise from a chronic thyroid disease known as Hashiloto’s thyroiditis. This ailment is characterized by thyroid glands that are inflamed or enlarged. This inflammation can be responsible for the brutal damaging of the thyroid cells if it is not attended to early enough and on time. The reason the thyroid cells are damaged is because of the body’s antibodies attacking the thyroid cells and tissues in the body instead of functioning as a protector. Certain diseases that are autoimmune may even be responsible for hypothyroidism. Examples of such autoimmune diseases are diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, Addison’s disease, vitiligo, and anemia.
Exposure to various forms of medical treatments can leave an individual lacking adequate thyroxine in the body. Treatments such as lithium, radioactive iodine and surgery can be responsible as certain research have proven. For instance, someone who takes doses of lithium as a form of treatment for manic depressive disorder –a form of psychiatric disease- is likely to develop hypothyroidism over time as a result of the thyroid’s gland inability to produce the hormone. The production of this hormone in itself is actually hindered by the presence of the lithium in the body.
Also, an individual suffering from both goiter and hyperthyroidism can be treated using radioactive iodine therapy. This form of treatment is very likely to produce symptoms of hypothyroidism and if not stopped on time, will actually result in hypothyroidism. The radioactive iodine is useful in the hindering of the production of excessive thyroxine. This is achieved by its getting rid of or preventing the secretion of excess thyroid hormones. The use of radioactive iodine is not a bad idea in itself as it effectively eliminates the production of too much thyroid hormones. The thing with it is in its excessive application. Because it functions by eliminating the thyroid hormone-producing cells which get rid of hyperthyroidism, it has a tendency to also eliminate the normal ones that will allow the production of the normal hormone quantity.
Surgery can also be responsible for hypothyroidism. Although in this case, most patients have to choose between the lesser of two evils: either death or the total or partial removal of the thyroid gland. For instance, a patient whose thyroid gland cannot be saved or who has cancer of the throat has to choose between leaving the thyroid like that, and getting rid of it. Therefore allowing the individual’s thyroxine producing capacity dwindle.
Are There Alternative Therapies For Curing Hypothyroidism
In recent times, there has been so much focus on the effect of alternative remedies in treating ailments generally. Some even make claims that orthodox medicine cannot make. This has of course led to most people looking for alternative medicines and solutions to their ailments. Fortunately, some who have used these alternative remedies and have had good success with it.
Hypothyroidism which is an illness stemming from the malfunction of the thyroid gland leading to the inadequate production of the thyroid gland’s hormone called thyroxine. The thyroid gland is found at the lower end of the neck just below the “Adam’s apple”. The thyroid gland like any well functioning organ does not just suddenly cease to function. Its malfunction is a product of certain unfavorable conditions. So, if certain steps are taken earlier, there won’t be any need in the first place to start treating hypothyroidism. There are some ways to effectively keep the thyroid gland in normal healthy condition.
The very first move an individual can make is to be mindful of his diet. An individual’s diet is capable of either prolonging his existence on the surface of the earth, or helping him move faster to the grave than he ought to be moving. Watching what you eat is not only important in keeping away hypothyroidism, it is an effective way of keeping most diseases away. What you throw inside your belly is partially responsible for your general well being. So if you consume all that comes in your way without any regards for your insides, then you might as well realize that your internal organs will be adversely affected rendering them ineffective. There are certain foods that will inhibit the production of thyroxine. Some of them are mustard greens, broccoli, soybeans, cauliflowers, cabbage etc.
Foods like sugar, refined foods, dairy products should be avoided in excess. If you discover that you’ve got hypothyroidism, avoid caffeine, wheat and alcohol. Start including fatty acids in your diet. Taking about 1000-15000mg of these essential fatty acids thrice a day helps the thyroid glands in its production of thyroxine.
Research has also shown that vitamins A, B complex, C and E are important in thyroxine production and in generally improving the thyroid’s health. Before taking them however, consult with your doctor as he would know in what quantities you should take them and for how long. Supplements like calcium, iodine L-tyrosine and selenium are also recommended by dietitians. Try all these, but ensure you run them by your doctor before you begin to use them.
Is it Possible to Overcome or Prevent Hypothyroidism?
It is a known fact that hypothyroidism is a condition that can be overcome. All you really need is information on what it is, its mode of operation, its causes and what to do in the eventuality that it occurs. Now, it is possible that you might have been to see your physician and he’s talked to you about the possible outcomes and all. But you see, your doctor does not have the time to give you a total breakdown on everything regarding hypothyroidism. As a result, you’ll find that getting to spend about five minutes of learning quality information is almost an impossibility given the fact that your doctor is a very busy person and can only spare so much time talking to you about it.
This write up is not meant to ridicule or in any way, take the place of a doctor’s advice. It is just a general overview on hypothyroidism. Hypothyroidism, if you aren’t already familiar with the word is a situation where the thyroid gland situated at the lower end of the neck; just under the famed “Adam’s apple” under-produces the required thyroxine hormone useful in balancing the body’s metabolic activities. Let me explain here.
You see the body is made up of any important components; all of them playing a vital role in the sustaining of human life and enabling the optimal functioning of the human body system. Part of these important components are the various hormones. One of which is thyroxine. When the body lacks of these important hormones, the individual starts manifesting certain symptoms. Unfortunately symptoms manifested as a result of hypothyroidism are also common to other ailments. So there is an inclination towards treating them as other ailments when in truth, it is to be treated as hypothyroidism.
The symptoms are very common. Some of them are weight loss, lethargy, extreme fatigue, dry flaky skin, and in some extreme cases, acute depression. So you can see now that it looks just like any other common ailment that you probably know. It for this reason that hypothyroidism is deemed deadly. It might be too late before you realize it hypothyroidism. It is the reason why as soon as you notice these symptoms and you have taken energy boosters, mood enhancers or antidepressants without getting any adequate results, you have to go see your doctor as soon as possible. This will at least stem its tendency to become worse.
As far as we know, sickness is not a welcome visitor and is something that is totally abhorred by many people. Sicknesses in whatever form reduce the quality of an individual’s life and makes it painful. The best gift a individual can have from God is to be in good health. In the first part of this two part series, hypothyroidism was briefly introduced. In this concluding part, we’ll be examining other aspects of it.
Hypothyroidism is caused by many things. In this article, only three of them will be looked into.
1. The drugs people take have been known to contribute to incidents of hypothyroidism. For instance, drugs used in treating extreme depression and mood swings have been known to reduce the amount of thyroxine produced by the thyroid gland. One of these drugs going by the name of lithium is responsible for such. So, the very first cause is antidepressants which are capable of restricting the production of thyroxine.
2. The foods that people eat. We guess this is very surprising to you. The day we found it out too, we were totally shocked. You mean what we are eating can be giving us hypothyroidism?! People who suffer from hypothyroidism have been known to have a slower metabolic process in their bodies. As a result, what they eat do net get broken down very fast leading to weight gain.
3. Weight loss diets. If you are willing to lose weight, it is a good thing. But when you have to go the extreme, then you can be sure kit will adversely affect your health. Foods such as raw broccoli have been known to grossly affect the thyroid gland’s ability to produce the thyroxine hormone. Also on this list are radishes, raw turnips, brussel sprouts and cauliflower. All these are not very good for the thyroid gland. So, do no consume them in excess. A little bit here and there is alright though.
This list like we stated in the beginning is just a part of the total list of the varied causes of hypothyroidism. If you are willing to get a complete list, you can read some of the other articles on this website or do a search on any search engine you use. You should be able to find more than enough to suit your taste.
With this article, we are sure that you can say for a fact it is possible to prevent hypothyroidism. All it takes is a bit of knowledge and you are good to go. Remember: You cannot substitute anything for your health. It is the most important aspect of your life. So, guard it jealously.
very helpful article..hope to see more