Chapped lips

When your lips are moist and well nourished, you feel sexier and look younger. Cushy lips lip plumper is one product that really delivers the promise of fuller lips, You will see results instantly.

The ingredients in Cushy lips lip plumper are natural.

• The first ingredient is macadamia nut oil, straight from the macadamia tree, pure and whole. Other lip plumpers use extracts, a major difference found in Cushy lips lip plumper.

• Next, is castor oil found in Cushy lips lip plumper, which contains high levels of ricinoleic acid, an unsaturated omega-9 fatty acid. Castor oil is ultra moisturizing.

• The third ingredient in Cushy lips lip plumper is vitamin B12 for its ability to nourish the blood vessels, increasing blood flow to the surface of the skin. The result is fuller lips.

• Menthol is added to Cushy lips to bring beneficial blood and nutrients to the lips, as well as providing refreshment and relief to chapped or cracked lips.

• Camphor in Cushy lips lip plumper protects the lips from bacteria. Camphor cools the lips, is quickly absorbed, and has known antimicrobial properties. Camphor also enhances circulation to the blood vessels that supply the surface skin of the lips.

• Vitamin E or tocopherol in Cushy lips lip plumper acts as an antioxidant in addition to providing more moisture. Tocopherols, over time, penetrate the deeper layers of the skin, leading to the enhanced plumping effect if Cushy lips.

• Benzyl Nicotinate, from Niacin dilates blood vessels, bringing more blood flow to the lips. Niacin (also called Nicotinic Acid) and Niacinamide (called Nicotinamide)
, are compounds of water-soluble vitamin B complex.

According to Kristen Warren, age 29, a make-up artist:

“I have to say it without a doubt outperforms any other lip plumper of its type on the market. It does really visibly increase the size and softness of your lips, and it has a very pleasant texture to it. When I did the make-up for a photo-shoot last week I used Cushy Lips on the models, and afterwards all of them wanted to know what I had used on them so they could go out and buy it as well.

Thanks for bringing out a product that works!”

Kelly Burns, 33, has this to say:

“My husband is a huuuuge fan of Angelina Jolie, and of course of Ms. Jolie's pouty lips. Unfortunately, I am rather "challenged"
in the lip department. I'm generally not an insecure woman, but this is something I didn't feel really good about. I started doing some research into collagen injections, but when I read you have to keep repeating them I gave up on that idea, being terrified of needles. My sister gave me Cushy Lips, because she knows of my "issue", and after just a day the most wonderful thing happened: my husband thought something "changed", but he could not quite put his finger on it, until he kissed me. He told me my lips had become softer, and when he took a better look he also noticed they were "plumper". After a week the results were even more obvious!”

You can read more testimonials, and order Cushy Lips lip plumper at