It takes a while for whiteners to take effect. Here are some tips to help them along the way:

1. Cleanse.
It's important that the topmost layer of your skin is free from grime and dirt, so cleanse well with the proper cleansing and exfoliating products. "Exfoliating products may help increase the penetration of topical lightening agents," explains Dr. Cecile J. Clemente-Ocampo, a board-certified dermatologist from the Philippines who is a consultant at the Capitol Medical Center (CMC) Skin and Laser Center. "Exfoliation also creates the appearance of lighter skin, as light is better reflected on a smooth epidermal surface."

2. Moisturize. "Some whitening products can cause dryness, and moisturizing can counteract their effects," says Dr. Clemente-Ocampo. If your whitening product isn't made to moisturize your skin, supplement your regimen with a cream that can help smoothen it out. If you have dry, flaky skin, she says moisturizing is a vital step to "allow a more even application of your whitening product."

3. Increase Immunity.
Because treated skin often exposes it to unnatural elements, it's important to use products that enhance the skin's immunity. Dr. Clemente-Ocampo suggests using "antioxidants like topical vitamin C to boost skin's immunity." They protect the skin from the harshness of whitening and they also :counteract the damage which daily exposure to the sun, stress, pollution, and smoking can cause the skin."

4. Block the sun.
An important tool to kepp glowing and block off the harmful and darkening sun is to use UV-blocking products. "Studies on the SPF of products are based on a very thick application to maximize the results," says Dr. Clemente-Ocampo. It's wise to reapply sunblock to the skin regularrly, approximately every two hours, because factors like perspiration may remove the product from the skin.